Hello! I’m Sarah. I’m a cook and food writer. My culinary journey began in my family's London kitchen. There, at the age of 5, I became my mother's 'little sous chef,' assisting with the preparation for endless dinner parties and family celebrations. Pitting dates, frying bacon, peeling apples, grinding spices, adding a little of this, a pinch of that, over the years I learned the art of instinctive cooking.

In the pages of my mother's recipe books, full of sauce stains and scribbles, lay whispered advice from grandmothers and their mothers. My mother taught me that recipes were stories.

A Good Table is a continuation of that inheritance.

What to expect


  • Seasonal is a monthly series celebrating the produce throughout the seasons.

  • I'll be highlighting my favorite seasonal produce and offering recipe, snack and cocktail suggestions. 

Home Culinary School

  • I'm fulfilling a lifelong dream of attending culinary school, but I'm doing it from the comfort of my own home using Escoffier's Le Guide Culinaire.

  • In this series, I'll document my mistakes and triumphs, as well as flavor adventures, from sauces and meat preparation to desserts, all done 'The Escoffier Way.'

Recipes & More

  • There will be recipes, of course. But perhaps even more importantly, I will be sharing recipes and recipe series exclusively created for this lovely Substack community.

  • Stories and memories such as the time Chef Thomas Keller made me a cup of Earl Grey Tea (best cuppa ever).

  • Cookbook recommendations. My mother (aka my culinary guru) has a kitchen library stacked with cookbooks she has been collecting since the age of 19. This is my inheritance, and now yours. Expect an eclectic mix of suggestions.

  • Conversations with friends. Imagine a dinner party with cooks, creatives and rebels, but in newsletter form. Grab a dirty martini, why don’t you?

  • Holiday Entertaining. I grew up with my mother hosting dinner parties every weekend (and sometimes on school nights too). She is the most accomplished cook and kindest host I’ve ever met - imagine a combination of Ina Garten and Martha Stewart.

  • Shopping and gift guides. Ingredients, cooking & gardening equipment, home and dinnerware + bits and bobs. Lovely and useful things that will spark joy.

  • Cocktail Club. 6-8pm, those glorious pre-dinner hours filled with cocktails, conversation and little nibbles. I will be creating menus, recipes and hosting guides so that we can share the relaxing pleasures of this tradition.

  • Restaurant, hotel and travel suggestions. My husband and I once drove nine hours simply to sample the exquisite delights of Buffalo Soft Serve, purchased from a grocery store in the middle of nowhere. Hopefully, that proves my dedication to deliciousness.

  • Snacks, sauces and condiment recommendations. Are you as enthusiastic as I am about snacks, sauces and condiments? I hope so, because each month I will be recommending my favorite delicious finds.

  • Ingredient exploration & guides. Let’s explore interesting produce and ingredients that you might not have used before.

  • Grocery store, food hall and farmers’ market recommendations. I think grocery stores are art galleries for foodies, if you agree you will love my recommendations.

What does this cost?

Currently, A Good Table newsletter is 100% free. Every Sunday you will receive a weekly newsletter with a selection of topics + updates. As our community grows the frequency of posts and content increase and I will introduce a paid subscriber option, but in the meantime, I am so happy to have you here, right now, at the very beginning. 

Useful Links

For a treasure trove of delicious recipes head over to agoodtable.com

Let’s connect on Instagram

Follow my cooking adventures on Tiktok

Subscribe to A Good Table

A newsletter about recipes, stories and seasonal produce.


Cook & writer.