All of my favorite flavors appear in these recipes- rhubarb, pistachio and cardamom. I am not a chamomile lover, however. Any suggestions for substituting that tea bag?

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You can use any dry tea or just stick with lemon zest.

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I love rhubarb! If I’m feeling it, Rhubarb Meringue Pie! Or if I’m in a rush, I put stewed rhubarb on my pancakes. Rhubarb cake wins everyone’s heart, and rhubarb crisp is an easy and delightful treat. I add rhubarb to my cornbread, and stir it into white cake mixes. I cannot wait to try the delights you’ve listed!

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wow, beautiful post. But I crave the simple elegance of my late mom's rhubarb pie. She made the flakiest pie dough. The rhubarb grew in our city home backyard. No strawberries or other things added to the cooked with sugar chunks of rhubarb in its own syrup. Just enough sweetness with a tiny kick of tart. When I moved to Utah a friend heard me talk about it and made me the Utah version...with strawberries! I love strawberries but not in a rhubarb pie! But I will copy a few of these recipes to try, after I finally perfect my mom's pie crust!

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That is so beautiful!

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Oh wow, how beautiful! I am imaging these served in Sketch London at tea time :)

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That baked Alaska is calling my name!!!

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